Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Updated donation information

***Emergency Response Vehicles (ERVs) are circulating throughout Schoharie County. They are provided by the Red Cross and have meals and supplies within them. If you are in need, approach these vehicles.

There are Red Cross "pods" with food, water, supplies placed at West Fulton Fire Department building, Schoharie School, Blenheim and Esperance Fire Department buildings, and Middleburgh Elementary School. Please try to get to these buildings as there is no guarantee of help getting to neighborhoods.**

Catskill Flooding: list of relief resources:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aj4_Q1dIQpEydHJ5MTRFTFEyZkVxUXBQRTlDS0N5dEE&hl=en_US#gid=1 

Flood Relief Workers are purchasing dinners that are prepared locally. Proceeds from these meals are being donated directly to flood victims. We need ingredients to continue making these meals. Right now we need:
45 pounds of ground beef/ turkey 
40 pounds of boneless chicken 
3 # 10 cans of kidney beans 
3 # 10 cans of tomato sauce 
These items are being collected at the Carlisle Fire Department. If you would like to donate any portion of this list, even 1 pound of ground beef, please call 518 234-2134 so they can coordinate our donations.

A Disaster Recovery Center has been set up at the Holiday Inn Express for the following services:
1. Applying for unemployment if you had a job pre-Irene but your place of business is unable to open
2. Department of Motor Vehicles - license replacement, etc.
3. ATM
4. Homeowner FEMA claims
5. Landlord FEMA claims
6. Obtain Federal and state IDs

Volunteers are no longer needed at the Red Cross shelter. However, if you would like to register to be a Red Cross Helper, please call the following numbers:
518-234-2895 or 518-231-2719
Teams are formed via these numbers and can be transported down into Middleburgh and Schoharie to provide assistance. Up-to-date Tetanus shots are required.--Tetanus Vaccines are being given at Schoharie High School today only until the supply is depleted. Public Health is expecting additional tetanus vaccine shipments.

You can call Agway in Cobleskill with a credit card and tell any cashier who answers that you would like to donate to a farm in need. They will take your credit card information and apply it to a local farm's account so when they go in to buy building materials etc, they will have a credit on their account. You can also purchase Gift Cards in a farm's name. (518) 234-2332  259 West Main Street Cobleskill, NY 12043

SCCAP's new need: New bedding/linens- Items can be brought to the old Movie Gallery 813 East Main Street Cobleskill. Also- Heavy duty gloves, bug spray, boots, N95 masks, utility knives, brooms/large push brooms, rakes call Marcy 234-3710

Bottled Water, paper towels, bleach, diapers wipes, cups, packaged (to be cooked) meals, and other items in limited quantities available by contacting Calvary Assembly of God (secretary@cagcobleskill.org). Will deliver if necessary!

Volunteers are no longer needed at the Red Cross shelter. However, if you would like to register to be a Red Cross Helper, please call the following numbers:
Teams are formed via these numbers and can be transported down into Middleburgh and Schoharie to provide assistance. Up-to-date Tetanus shots are required.--Tetanus Vaccines are being given at Schoharie High School today only until the supply is depleted. Public Health is expecting additional tetanus vaccine shipments.

Supplies needed Middleburgh MS/HS students:
back packs
zippered binders
regular binders
durable folders
3 and 5 subject notebooks
scientific calculators
college ruled paper
pens and pencils
locker mirrors
Contact Dove Karn at 518-878-4345 to arrange to drop off.

Free Roast Beef Dinner at Our Lady of the Valley (Church next to Stewarts in Middleburgh) on Wednesday (9/7) starting at 5pm...for all clean up workers and those in need. There will also be a free Spaghetti and meatball dinner on Thursday (9/8). We will also be serving lunch (and sending out lunches) from 11-3pm...volunteers needed (any age).

Middleburgh High School was flooded and coated in mud and is right now in need of some supplies such as: *metal paint scrapers* , any clip type work lights, work gloves and large Nitrle gloves, flat head and phillips screw drivers.

Additional supplies needed locally:  box cutters, heavy duty rubber gloves, squeegees, square shovels, bug spray, dusk masks, heavy duty work gloves, battery powered work lights, push brooms.You may contact Nick Pallen at (518) 487-8124 and leave a message or email  @ Nickpallen@nycap.rr.com. He can collect them and bring them from Rotterdam to Schoharie County.

The old Valley Pharmacy building in Middleburgh can be used as storage for building supplies that people want to donate, thanks to Shannon VanKuren and her husband Scott.  If you have donations such as sheetrock, insulations, sheetrock screws, and plywood, please contact Erin Ethier at  518 534 3003

Volunteers are no longer needed at the Red Cross shelter. However, if you would like to register to be a Red Cross Helper, please call the following numbers:
Teams are formed via these numbers and can be transported down into Middleburgh and Schoharie to provide assistance. Up-to-date Tetanus shots are required.

Tetanus Vaccines are being given at Schoharie High School today only until the supply is depleted. Public Health is expecting additional tetanus vaccine shipments.

Additional supplies needed locally:  box cutters, heavy duty rubber gloves, squeegees, square shovels, bug spray, dusk masks, heavy duty work gloves, battery powered work lights, push brooms.You may contact Nick Pallen at (518) 487-8124 and leave a message or email  @ Nickpallen@nycap.rr.com. He can collect them and bring them from Rotterdam to Schoharie County. 

The Annex at the County building in Schoharie is no longer accepting donations.

If anyone needs a ride to Schoharie County from Latham or Schenectady inbox Lovey Lee via Facebook with contact information. She will leave each day except Wednesday this week.

Quick Response is having their Environmental Health expert give a talk about MOLD from noon to 1 TODAY, Tuesday, Sept. 6, on the DAR lawn in Schoharie. Come learn what to do for what type of mold, etc... Very important for everyone right now, be sure to send a representative to get the info you need!

New phone numbers for the Schoharie School District (Schoharie, Esperance, Central Bridge, and Gallupville) Human Needs Center at the Schoharie Reformed Church... 390-8529, 390-8826, and 390-2811. Call to report your needs or to offer assistance. Currently, volunteers do not need to report individually in advance, just show up appropriately dressed (boots, masks, work gloves, crow bars, shovels, safety glasses, etc.) between 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. in the back of the church parking lot and you will be put to work.

Mary Ellen Schwarz of Project RECAPTURE is offering Free photo restoration services to anyone in Schoharie County who had photos damaged due to the floods. Visit their website for more info: http://projectrecapture.wordpress.com/ and their FB page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Project-Recapture/146993935390540

FOX 23.com: Since we did the story, there has been a great response and a local family, the Newkirks, say they will underwrite a $10,000 contribution to cover new shoes. The Gap stores at Crossgates, Colonie Center and in Saratoga are taking new shoe donations on September 10. If you donate through the Gap, they will give you a coupon for 25 percent off an article of clothing.

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